growth marketer / creative director
photographer / writer 
focused on direct to consumer brands

Born in Texas, moved to Santa Barbara at 18 for college (Westmont College) to study entrepreneurship and art. Fell in love with the outdoors and with creating things. Moved to SF shortly after studying abroad at King’s College London. Worked at a few startups focused on either the outdoors or photography. Took a step back and hiked from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trai for 5 months. Returned thoughtful, zenned out, and determined to redesign my life. Decided to start my own consultancy and determine my focus. That focus became: DTC e-commerce, with an emphasis on Growth Strategy, Performance Marketing, and Creative Direction. Ever since, I’ve helped multiple companies scale past 7, 8, & 9 figures successfully. After SF, I moved to NYC, where I now reside. I’m currently launching a few brands, while also still consulting , providing growth strategy & performance management. When I’m not doing that, I’m usually taking photos, building connections, or traveling. I’d like to backpack and surf more, but our lives have seasons, don’t they?

Thanks for being here.


- Sterling